We are all in a unique time with the spread of Covid-19. people round the world are being asked to remain inside and socially isolate from each other. Whereas this strategy has been effective in slowing the spread of the virus and keeping individuals safe, there are growing concerns on what impact social isolation could have on our health and well-being as well as cognitive health.

Staying Connected.

Peer support is an important a part of life, as friendships offer support, mitigate feelings of loneliness and boredom, and facilitate a sense of belonging.

Given the risk of Covid-19 infection, particularly within the elderly, it’s necessary to stay at home, even if that means we don’t physically see family or friends for a minute. However, that doesn’t mean we’ve got to be fully disconnected. Video conferencing with friends and family through platforms like Skype, Zoom, or FaceTime are free. additionally, several social activities, like  Stay ActiveStay MindfulStay EngagedStay Supported, and Stay Grounded. Here, one can see and interact others with similar interests while not leaving your home.

Keeping Fit.

Exercise and physical activity are good for just about everyone. No matter your health, age, physical ability, you can gain a lot by staying active during the pandemic.

The Department of Psychiatry at the Michigan University recommends “engaging in physical activity once or twice daily” which includes brief periods (30-90 seconds) of greater intensity.

Moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and exercise throughout the day are related to improved self-esteem, improved concentration, reductions in depressive symptoms, and improvements in sleep. There are several companies that provide virtual exercise classes for cardio (Adaptive, DanceBody, Nike Run Culb) or strength training (Sweat by Kayla, Centr Fit).

Staying engaged.

Time spent at home is additionally a chance to scan the books on your shelves, catch up on shows or movies you have missed. Puzzles can provide needed brain stimulation. Some of our favorites are crosswords, word search and scrambled words. Online game playing can challenge your mind while allowing you to have fun socializing with others at the same time. Learning new things to stimulate your brain and staying well-connected are two of the five steps to mental wellbeing suggested by the Nation Health Service.